Daftar Dosen

Gambar Foto

Nama dan Gelar Erna Rochmawati, Ns., MNSc.,M.Med.Ed., Ph. D
Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan
Alamat Kantor Gedung Pasca Sarjana Lantai 2 Kampus Terpadu Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Email Resmi dan Pribadi erna_rho@yahoo.com , erna.rochmawati@umy.ac.id
Blog Dosen
Nomor Indentification Karyawan (NIK)
Nomor identifikasi Nasional Dosen (NIDN) 0525107901
Scopus ID 36150260600
Google Cendekia ID https://scholar.google.co.id
Sinta ID

Tahun Kelulusan Tingkat Pendidikan dan Gelar Program Studi Universitas dan Negara
2001 S1 Bachelor of Nursing Science University of Indonesia
2009 S2 Master of Nursing Science University of Adelaide, Australia
2011 S2 Master of Medical Education University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
2016 PhD PhD student University of Adelaide


Anggota Organisasi Profesional
Asia Pacific Hospice and Palliative Care Network
Internasional Association of Hospice and Palliative Care
Persatuan Perawatan Nasional Indonesia (PPNI)
Member of Aisyiah


No Tahun Judul Sumber Dana
1 2010 Preventing Leptosperosis LP3M UMY
2 2016 Tertiary prevention for patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 PSIK FKIK UMY
3 2017 Managing hipertension at home and community LP3M
4 2017 Exercise to promote well being among elderly PSIK FKIK UMY
5 2018 Beribadah di Rumah Sakit MKEP UMY
6 2018 Peningkatan pengetahuan perawat pelaksana melalui sosialisasi alur pemberian oksigenasi MKEP UMY
7 2018 Peningkatan pengetahuan melalui edukasi latihan lutut untuk mobilisasi dini post operasi lutut di MKEP UMY
8 2019 Pencegahan penyakit degenerative melalui Rehatsimas (erakan sehat berbasis masjid) LP3M UMY
9 2020 Pelatihan kader muda untuk penatalaksanaan gejala pada lansia LP3M UMY
10 2021 Peningkatan kapasistas guru TK dalam pencegahan Covid-19 LP3M UMY


Pengabdian Maysarakat

No Tahun Judul Sumber Dana
1 2010 Preventing Leptosperosis LP3M UMY
2 2016 Tertiary prevention for patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 PSIK FKIK UMY
3 2017 Managing hipertension at home and community LP3M
4 2017 Exercise to promote well being among elderly PSIK FKIK UMY
5 2018 Beribadah di Rumah Sakit MKEP UMY
6 2018 Peningkatan pengetahuan perawat pelaksana melalui sosialisasi alur pemberian oksigenasi MKEP UMY
7 2018 Peningkatan pengetahuan melalui edukasi latihan lutut untuk mobilisasi dini post operasi lutut di MKEP UMY
8 2019 Pencegahan penyakit degenerative melalui Rehatsimas (erakan sehat berbasis masjid) LP3M UMY
9 2020 Pelatihan kader muda untuk penatalaksanaan gejala pada lansia LP3M UMY
10 2021 Peningkatan kapasistas guru TK dalam pencegahan Covid-19 LP3M UMY


Hak Kekayaan Intelektual

No Judul Jenis Paten No./Tanggal Sertifikat
1 Buku Saku : Bukit Khalidah: Buku “Sakitku Tak Halangi Ibadahku” Paten No. 000114830
2 Buku Panduan Manual Penggunaan Gelas Sonde’e Untuk Membantu Proses Memberikan Makanan Pada Pasien Yang Terpasang Nasogastrik Tube (NGT) Paten No. 000114956
3 Buku; Bagaimana Menangani Gejala Di Rumah? Panduan Untuk Keluarga Paten No EC 00201930271
4 Penatalaksanaan Gejala Pada Lansia Paten No 000185514



Tahun  Point
2010 1.     National Scientific Meeting for Nursing Higher Education Institution (2010), organised by Association of Nursing Education Institution

2.     Java International Nursing Conference , University of Diponegoro, 2 – 3 October 2010 (Oral presentation)

3.     SEARA medical education conference, Jakarta, November 2010 (oral communication)

4.     Preceptorship model training, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, December 2010 (speaker)

5.     One day Surgery Seminar, RS PKU Pekajangan, December 2010 (speaker)

2011 1.     The 17th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine. Beijing, China, June 2011 (oral presentation)

2.     International Nursing Conference, organized by AIPNI and School of Nursing, University of Hasanudin (oral presentation)

3.     The first Jogja International Nursing Conference, organized by School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, (poster presentation)

4.     Workshop for educator for tobacco curriculum, November, Singapore

5.     Journal Presentation (2012) training to nurses in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital (speaker)

2012 1.     Workshop to gather strategic partner in tobacco control (2012), Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center, UMY and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (coordinator)

2.     National Joanna Briggs Institute Conference, Adelaide, 2012

3.     Faculty of Health Science Post graduate Conference, Adelaide, 2012.

2013 1.     Research Conversazione, School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, oral presenter

2.     JBI Systematic Review Training, University of Adelaide

3.     JBI International Conference, Adelaide

4.     Asian Internasional Humanised  Health Care Conference, Indonesia

2014 1.     Nursing and Midwifery Forum, Department of Health, South Australia

2.     World Care Congress, Melbourne, oral presenter

3.     South Australia National Palliative Care Congress, Adelaide, participant

2015 1.     South Australia National Palliative Care Congress, Adelaide

2.     Compassionate care in palliative care. Hospice23 Conference. Devon, United Kingdom. Oral Presenter

3.     Research Conversazione, School of Nursing, University of Adelaide. Oral presenter

2016 1.     JBI Systematic Review Training, Center of Evidence Based Practice, South Australia

2.     Continuing nursing education, School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

3.     Annual Scientific Forum, Postgraduate program in Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2017 1.     Writing international publication, Master of Nursing Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

2.     China-Asia Nursing Forum, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China

3.     Annual Scientific Forum, Yogyakarta

4.     Pelatihan Metode SEM

5.     Science Camp; Writing for international publication, Yogyakarta

2018 1.     Asian Conference in Nursing Education, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2.     Pelatihan Asesor LAM PT KES

3.     Workshop penulisan buku ajar

4.     Workshop Item Development and Item Review, AIPNEMA

2019 1.     Muslim and Christian Perspectives in End of life Care, Georgetown University in Qatar. Invited Speaker

2.     Pendampingan penulisan ilmiah di PSIK FKIK UMY.

2020 1.     Comprehensive Systematic Review Training. Joanna Briggs Institute, Adelaide
2021 1.     Pelatihan meta analysis

  1. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula, R (2010). Education Strategies to Foster Health Profession Students’ Clinical Reasoning Skills:  Systematic Review. Nursing and Health Sciences, vol 2, no. 2, pp. 244-250. Doi: 10.1111/j.1442-2018.2009.00512.x
  2. Rizki, W & Rochmawati, E (2011). Perbedaan nilai uji fungsi paru antara karyawan  di ruang produksi dan karyawan  di ruang administrasi di pabrik textile Magelang, Jurnal Ners Indonesiavol 2 no 1.
  3. Rochmawati, E. (2011). Being Health Volunteers during Mt Merapi Eruption: What Undergraduate Nurse Students Learnt?, Jurnal Mutiara Medika, Vol 11 (1). http://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/mm/article/view/924
  4. Rochmawati, E. Rahayu, G.R, Kumara, A. (2014). Educational environment and approaches to learning of undergraduate nursing students in an Indonesian School of Nursing, Nurse Education in Practice, vol. 14. Pp. 729-733. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2014.08.009
  5. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula, R, Cameron, K (2016). Current status of palliative care services in Indonesia: Literature review, International Nursing Review, doi:1111/inr.12236
  6. Peltzer K, Pengpid S, Sychareun V, Ferrer AJG, Low WY, Huu TN, Win HH, Rochmawati E, Turnbull N (2017). Prehypertension and psychosocial risk factors among university students in ASEAN countries. BMC Cardiovascular Disorder, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12872-017-0666-3
  7. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula, R, Cameron, K, Centrality of spiritual/religious in the provision of palliative care in Indonesia: findings of an ethnographyNursing and Health Sciences. https://org/10.1111/nhs.12407
  8. Turnbull, N, Peltzer, K, Pengpid, S, Low, WY, Huu, TN, Rochmawati, E, Win, HH. Pathological Internet Use and Psychosocial Risk Factors among ASEAN University Students. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences (in press). 5812/ijpbs.10063
  9. Gito, Rochmawati, E. Effectiveness of modern wound dressing on the growth of staphylococcus aureus bacteria, Jurnal Keperawatan, vol 9 No. 2DOI:https://doi.org/10.22219/jk.v9i2.5160
  10. Hentu, S.A, Rochmawati, E, Firmawati, E (2018). Effektifitas atihan ROM dan bola karet terhadap peningkatan kekuatan mengenggam dan fungsi mengenggam pada pasien stroke di RSUD Sleman, Media Ilmu Kesehatan. Vol 7 (2), 149-155. http://ejournal.unjaya.ac.id/index.php/mik/article/download/284/245.
  11. Wiksuarini, E, Rochmawati, E, Rahmah (2018). Spiritualitas dan Kualitas Hidup pada penderita kanker. Dinamika Kesehatan, Vol 9 (2), 301-312. https://ojs.dinamikakesehatan.unism.ac.id/index.php/dksm/article/view/345/311
  12. Surya, A. Rochmawati, E. (2018). Pengaruh Senam Ergonomik Terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Penderita Osteoartritis Pada Lansia Di Rumah Asuh Anak Dan Lansia Wredha Griya Asih Lawang. Journal of Nursing care and Biomedical. Vol 3 (2). 142-147. http://jnc.stikesmaharani.ac.id/index.php/JNC/article/view/120
  13. Tasalim, R, Rochmawati, E. Wardaningsih, S (2018). Identifkasi Kebutuhan Mahasiswa dalam layanan bimbingan akademik di Stikes Sari Mulia. Dinamika Kesehatan, vol 9 (2). 652-663. https://ojs.dinamikakesehatan.unism.ac.id/index.php/dksm/article/view/380/331
  14. Utomo, EK, Rochmawati, E (2018). Pengaruh Exercise intradyalitic terhadap nilai adekuasi hemodialisis. Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, vol 3 (2). 79-87. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30651/jkm.v3i2.1817
  15. Nurani, RD. Rochmawati, E, Chayati, N. (2019). Efektifitas terapi murottal Al Qur’an terhadap kualitas tidur pada pasien hemodialisa, Journal of Health Sciences.
  16. Dewi, A. Seftaviani, N. Rochmawati, E. (2019). Patient Safety Incident Differences Between Accredited and not Accredited Primary Health Center. Journal Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit. Vol 8 (3).
  17. Putranto, D, Rochmawati, E (2020). Mobile applications for managing symptoms of patients with cancer at home: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Practice. E12842. Doi: 10.1111/ijn.12842
  18. Rochmawati, E. Wiksuarini, E, Rahmah (2020). Depression and Quality of Life among cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Palliative Medicine in Practice. 14 (1). DOI: 10.5603/PMPI.2020.0002
  19. Rochmawati, E. Minanton, M (2020). Embedded spiritual conversation in cancer communication: lived experiences of nurses and patients/relatives. International Nursing Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12634
  20. Dewi, A., Nurmandi, A., Rochmawati, E., Purnomo, E. P., Dimas Rizqi, M., Azzahra, A., Benedictos, S., Suardi, W., & Tri Kusuma Dewi, D. (2020). Global policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: proportionate adaptation and policy experimentation: a study of country policy response variation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promot Perspect, 10(4), 359-365. https://doi.org/10.34172/hpp.2020.54
  21. Iskandar, A. C., Rochmawati, E., & Wiechula, R. (2021, Feb). Patient’s experiences of suffering across the cancer trajectory: A qualitative systematic review protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(2), 1037-1042. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14628
  22. Rochmawati, E., Utomo, E. K., & Makiyah, S. N. N. (2021, Jun 15). Improving dialysis adequacy and quality of life in patients undergoing hemodialysis with twice a week range of motion exercise. Ther Apher Dialhttps://doi.org/10.1111/1744-9987.13701


  1. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula R (2010). Learning methods to develop health profession students’ clinical reasoning skills. Java International Nursing Conference.
  2. Rochmawati, E (2011), Pengaruh tehnik relaksasi progresif terhadap tingkat nyeri, insomnia dan fatique pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisa, proceeding, International Nursing Conference, Universitas Hasanudin.
  3. Rochmawati, E (2011). Being Health Volunteers during Mt Merapi Eruption: What Undergraduate Nurse Students Learnt? Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, vol 26, supplement 1, p. s14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1049023X11000586
  4. Suhariyanto & Rochmawati, E (2011). Nurse Educators’ Experiences of Conducting Trauma Healing to Reduce Anxiety Among Victims of Mt Merapi Eruption at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, vol 25, supplement 1, p. s161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1049023X11004961
  5. Rochmawati, E (2010), Students perceptions on learning environment in PSIK UMY, proceeding, Jogjakarta International Nursing Conference, 2010.
  6. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula, R & Cameron, K (2012), An exploration of the provision of palliative care for cancer patients in Indonesia, Research Conversazione, School of Nursing, University of Adelaide.
  7. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula, R, Cameron, K (2013). Facilitators and barriers in palliative care: a literature review, proceeding, the Asian International Humanised Health Care Conference, Yogyakarta
  8. Rochmawati, E, Wiechula, R, Cameron, K (2014). Family caregiver involvement in home based care for palliative cancer patients in Indonesia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10(Suppl. 9); pp. 449-450. Doi:1111/ajco.12332
  9. Rochmawati, E, Ledya, S. (2017))Level stress and coping mechanism among family caregiver of patients with stroke. Proceeding, Annual Scientific Forum. Yogyakarta.
  10. Primanda, Y, Indarwati, F Rochmawati, E, (2019). Rochmawati, E, Progress Test Significantly Increases the Nursing Exam Try Out Score. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 – Health Science and Nursing.https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icosihsn-19/125919833


Tahun Deskripsi Nama Lembaga Pendidikan
2011 Grant for attending the 17th WADEM Conference, Beijing, China, Ministry of Education
2012 - 2016 Endeavour Prime Minister’s Asia Australia Scholarship Government of Australia
2012 - 2016 Tuition fee waiver, Adelaide Graduate Center University of Adelaide
2015 Hospice23 Bursary Award United Kingdom
2017 Best poster presenter Annual Scientific Forum, Indonesia
2018 Teaching mobility, Erasmus+ 4Allianceuniversities, European Union
2018 Travelling Scholarship International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care
2020 Best poster presenter International Nursing Conference, Indonesia
2020 Penghargaan penulis kategori artikel terbaik/Awardee of Best Article Kemenristek/BRIN
2020  Alumni Grant Scheme recipient Australian Governement


Online Forum
  1. Rusdianti, A, Rochmawati E (2018), Masalah kesehatan muncul tanpa disadari, deteksi dan atasi sendiri. https://www.kompasiana.com/alfi81962/5b377cbc5e137349ee05e2f2/masalah-kesehatan-muncul-tanpa-disadari-deteksi-dan-atasi-sendiri
  2. Setiawan, H, Rochmawati, E (2018). Milenial Nursing. https://www.kompasiana.com/novitharis0600/5b554623bde5757ca06aa252/milenial-nuring
  3. Slamet, Rochmawati, E (2018). E-edukasi di Pelayanan Kesehatan Rumah Sakit. https://www.kompasiana.com/slametpurnomo4774/5b1b7b69caf7db0c19034662/e-edukasi-di-pelayanan-kesehatan-rumah-sakit
  4. Kartiko, E, Rochmawati E (2018). “Dilema Pemberian Nutrisi dan Hidrasi Pasien Kritis” https://www.kompasiana.com/endratkartikoutomo6894/5b3483e816835f5dc12b2d23/dilema-pemberian-nutrisi-dan-hidrasi-pasien-kritis
  5. Kartiko, E, Setiawan,NH, Rusdianti, A, Rochmawati, E, (2018). Layanan kesehatan lebih mudah dengan telenursing. Samarinda Pos, 27 April 2018. http://epaper.sapos.co.id/arsip/byTanggal/2018-04-27